Can you still do these 7 things?

I came across an article on squatting…not the kind of squats you do in the gym, rather a squat like you’d do when you’re a kid and you want to bend down to get something. Remember that? Kids squat very naturally. Rarely do they bend from the waist to...

Staying Supple (for Neck and Back Pain Relief)

Have you ever noticed that when you have neck and back pain it’s hard to relax? The muscles get all stiff and tense. Your joints don’t seem to be very free. You’re just all locked up! Well, even when you don’t have neck and back pain, you might be stiff or rigid. And...

Back pain & neck pain symptoms?

Neck pain and back pain can happen in an instant or over time. Either way, the outcome or impact on a person can depend on several factors like how healthy they are otherwise and how well their body is able to adapt. This glass half empty or half full analogy is a...

5 Work from Home Tips

Have you started working from home because of COVID-19? Maybe you’re newly homeschooling your kids or simply spending more time keeping up with all the latest news. Accessing technology from the couch or kitchen in your PJs sounds comfortable at first. But poor...

The importance of movement post injury

(Guest blogger Cindy Willems shares her valuable advice regarding movement post injury.) I have been a mover all of my life, enjoying 20 years as a professional dancer and now training in Kung Fu martial arts and I have experienced multiple injuries over many years....