Manual Therapy for Neck Pain

Manual Therapy for Neck Pain

Doctors of chiropractic often approach neck pain with manual therapy as the primary form of treatment. There are several types of manual therapy, including high velocity, low amplitude (HVLA) thrust manipulation. This is often referred to as a chiropractic adjustment....

Neck Pain and Posture

In current times, there is a significant relationship that exists with neck pain and posture. We have our technological advancements to thank! Here’s a brief review of the connection between a person’s posture and the health of their neck. Good posture is...

Do you have tension? This is why…

Back pain and neck pain almost always have some level of tension associated with them. The muscles are tight and the neck or back feels restricted. Why is that? The answer is not complicated yet few people seem to understand its significance, doctors included....

Is Cracking Good For The Back?

Back pain is often treated by Doctors of Chiropractic. In Toronto alone, there are over 800 chiropractors. Many of them are using the well-known hands-on technique of cracking the back (or an adjustment, as it’s called) to treat back pain. But, is cracking good for...