5 Poor Posture Exercises

5 Poor Posture Exercises

Poor posture can impair physical function and affect one’s health. It’s very common to see people with a slouched, forward head posture.  The usual advice is to sit up straight, limit phone use, or hold devices at eye level. Those are good tips! Are there any...

How To Boost Your Health

At some stage of your life, you may realize that you want to boost your health. Whether because you don’t look like you used, you don’t feel like you used to, or you can’t do what you used to do, it may be time to boost your health back in the right...

The importance of movement post injury

(Guest blogger Cindy Willems shares her valuable advice regarding movement post injury.) I have been a mover all of my life, enjoying 20 years as a professional dancer and now training in Kung Fu martial arts and I have experienced multiple injuries over many years....

7 “little” healthy habits

Why are healthy habits important? Because being healthy is hard work! From all of those complicated weightlifting routines and diets that say you can eat this but not that, there couldn’t possibly be a way for normal people to be healthy, right? Of course, we are...