What We Do For You
- Consultation and Examination
- Short Term Relief Care
- Drop-In Care When You Need or Want It
- Spinal Manipulation / Chiropractic Adjustments
- Soft Tissue Manipulation / Percussive Massage
- Self-Care Advice and Exercises
- Optional – Supplement / Nutrition Advice for Pain Relief, Healing, and Well-Being
- Optional – Custom Orthotics (Shoe Inserts)
- Optional – Ergonomic Assessments and Posture Advice
Consultation and Examination
Chiropractic care begins with a conversation. While the research is clear that chiropractic care can and does play a vital role in conditions like neck pain, back pain, and headaches, it is important to know who the person is that is having these problems.
By taking the time to hear your concerns and complaints about your health problems, a Chiropractor can better ensure that the type of care you want to receive and the goal you have for the care you receive are achieved.
This can only happen if a proper examination is conducted. An examination does not always have to be long and complicated to determine a working hypothesis on what the problem is. Quite often, components of the cause or source of the health issue are easily evident. However, other times, the examination is an ongoing process that requires re-evaluation to focus on the necessary features for improvement.
Either way, by taking the time to listen to our patients and then effectively and efficiently review their concerns, some answers can be given for the expectation of what it’s going to take, how much it’s going to take, and how long it may take to improve and stay better.
Short Term Relief Care
While it would be an amazing feature of our communities and societies if everyone’s goal was to optimize their health and be at their best, it’s admittedly not always easy nor appealing for everyone to desire this same outcome.
The Toronto Neck and Back Pain Clinic acknowledges that we could all probably do a bit better in taking care of ourselves, but that each person can start with where they are in that process.
And when we’re in pain, most people would say their first desire is to get out of pain!
Therefore, our initial process is to meet this common request of getting better as fast as possible. Patients can be assured that we will not use any UNNECESSARY long-term treatment plans or therapies.
While there are possible faster ways to get relief or treat symptoms only, this often leads to temporary results. This can also allow some conditions to worsen even while the person believes they are better. We do recommend that in some cases these options are very much in a patient’s best interests depending on the extent of their problem and their health-related goals. After all, no one likes to be in pain!
Chiropractic doctors provide treatment and advice under the premise that patients are considering:
- A drug-free, surgery-free approach to their pain or problem when possible.
- Having the underlying cause or source of their condition resolved so that they are less likely to have that problem come back, even if it takes a bit longer to get the relief that they are looking for.
- Efficient and affordable care that whether applied in the short-term for relief, or in the long-term as a part of a healthcare support strategy, reflects their personal healthcare choices.
Drop-In Care When You Need or Want It
We all take care of ourselves differently. And that’s ok, there is no right or wrong way to go about it. Our clinic supports an individual’s choice when it comes to their healthcare decisions.
Therefore, we work for you. We strive to provide you with the care that you want, when you want it, in an affordable, effective, and modern way.
Chiropractic care can be for neck pain, back pain, and headaches as they occur. In this case, come see us when you feel these problems are not going away on their own.
Chiropractic care can also be for neck pain, back pain, and headache prevention. In this case, some see us when you feel these problems are likely developing due to day-to-day use from work, sports, hobbies, posture, or accidents and injuries during life.
(see this article on Regular Chiropractic Care and Quality of Life – https://www.dkchiroblog.com/1137/including-regular-chiropractic-care-appears-to-have-significant-benefits/)
Regardless of your approach on how you take care of “you”, our clinic will recommend options based on clinical relevance. What that means is that you will be provided with as many options as possible to take care of your health concerns the way that you want.
This could mean chiropractic care, lifestyle guidance, referral to other practitioners, active self-care like stretches and strengthening exercises, etc.
To help support this process, we adhere to what the research and literature calls “Evidence Informed Care”. It has 3 components:
- Using scientific assessment and treatment approaches that have been shown to be useful in instances of neck pain, back pain, and headaches, or other health related problems.
- Relying on the Doctor’s experience in successfully assessing and treating these conditions.
- Allowing the Patient to play a role in the decision-making process when it comes to their goals on improving their health-related concerns.
Spinal Manipulation / Chiropractic Adjustments
Click here for the in-depth review of spinal manipulation
Results From the 2012 National Health Interview Survey
“The survey results indicated that 93% of patients go to chiropractors for the management of
musculoskeletal pain syndromes. Specifically, 63% go to chiropractors for low back pain, and
30% for neck pain. Additionally, chiropractic spinal manipulation is very effective for the
management of back and neck pain (3). The study showed:
- 65% of the patients reported that chiropractic care helped their condition “a great deal.”
- 26% of the patients reported that chiropractic care helped their condition “somewhat.”
- Only 3% reported that the chiropractic care they received did not help them.
In randomized clinical trials comparing chiropractic spinal manipulation to prescription pain
medicines for chronic low back and neck pain, chiropractic manipulation was significantly more
effective, registered no significant side effects, and displayed stable long-term clinical benefits
(at the one-year follow-up assessment)”
By loose definition, a chiropractic adjustment is a high velocity (quick), low amplitude (not too deep/far) thrust (push) designed to affect the joints in the body and resulting in a reflex effect on the nervous system and other parts of the body.
A chiropractor is trained to find parts of your body that are not sitting and moving properly. These parts do not properly participate in daily activities and use. This can happen from an accident or injury, or repetitive use over time.
By getting the parts of your body sitting and moving properly again, they will better participate in what you ask them to do each day, therefore feeling better and not providing a reason to be in pain.
Globally, Chiropractic Care is defined as “gentle, safe, and effective”.
For a more in-depth explanation, see the long article at the bottom of this page, or visit – https://www.dkchiroblog.com/1717/the-effects-of-spinal-manipulation-on-the-musculoskeletal-system/
Soft Tissue Manipulation / Percussive Massage
As part of the treatment process, there will likely be some involvement of the soft tissues. This includes muscles, tendons, skin, etc. There will also likely be some involvement of the connective tissues. This includes ligaments, fascia, joint capsules, etc.
During your treatments, various forms of pressure or kneeding of the tissues may occur. This is helped to encourage your body to break free of the habits and patterns that it has developed either due to accidents and injuries or from day-to-day use and build-up.
While there may be a soft tissue or connective tissue component, the underlying cause or source in the majority of cases that this clinic has seen involves the malfunction or dysfunction of the joints and nerves. Addressing the improvement of these parts quite often leads to an improvement in the muscles.
To further complement your Chiropractic Care, it is often suggested that you incorporate Registered Massage Therapy as a part of your treatment efforts.
Self-Care Advice and Exercises
While the clinic provides exercise recommendations for each patient based on their condition, many patients have tried to stretch, strengthen, or stabilize their neck or back pain on their own. This can often help, but can sometimes not be effective, or even counter-productive.
As part of your care and treatment at the clinic, the role of self-care strategies (exercises, posture, ergonomics, sleep position, work related tasks, sports, etc.) will be taken into consideration. Specific activities will be provided as needed and/or wanted.
Our blog has a series of exercises for those looking to take an active role in helping to improve various health concerns – https://www.dkchiroblog.com/category/exercises//
Optional – Supplement / Nutrition Advice for Pain Relief
It’s generally accepted that the normal aging process includes stiff joints and sore muscles. While exercise, stretching, hot/cold packs, and chiropractic care are commonly used tools for the non-pharmaceutical management of joint pain, there’s a growing body of research suggesting that dietary approaches to reduce inflammation may be just as important.
The following list of foods and food additives can promote inflammation and should be avoided as much as possible:
- Sugar: Though it can be a challenge to resist the temptation of desserts, sodas, and some fruit juices, processed sugars trigger the release of inflammatory messengers called cytokines. But beware, the word “sugar” is camouflaged on many food labels, so watch for any word ending with “-ose”, such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose.
- Saturated Fats: Studies show that saturated fats trigger adipose inflammation, which worsens arthritis and contributes to heart disease. Saturated fats are commonly found in pizza, cheese, red meat, full-dairy products, pasta dishes, and grain-based desserts.
- Trans Fats: Since the early 1990s, researchers have warned us about trans fats triggering systemic inflammation. Fast foods and other fried products, processed snacks, frozen breakfast foods, cookies, donuts, crackers, and most margarines are popular culprits. Avoid foods containing partially hydrogenated oils listed in the ingredients.
- Omega-6 Fatty Acids: Even though we do need SOME of these fats in our diet, a balance favoring omega-3 fatty acids is important. Omega-6 fatty acids can be found in certain oils (corn, safflower, sunflower, grapeseed, soy, peanut, and vegetable), in mayonnaise, and many salad dressings.
- Refined Carbohydrates: This list includes white flour products including breads, rolls, crackers, white rice, white potatoes (instant mashed or French fries); and many cereals. Refined carbs are widely believed to be a major contributor to obesity, which increases inflammation in the body.
- MSG (mono-sodium glutamate) is commonly found in foods that utilize soy sauce. It can also be added to many fast foods, soups, salad dressings, and deli meats to enhance flavor.
- Gluten: Gluten sensitivity is a common health problem that causes joint pain and gut trouble. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, and rye. In those with gluten intolerance or Celiac disease, complete avoidance is necessary as gluten sets off an autoimmune response that damages the small intestine over time resulting in malabsorption of nutrients.
- Aspartame: This artificial sweetener can trigger an autoimmune response in some individuals, resulting in inflammatory joint pain.
- Alcohol: Excess intake can damage the liver, which interferes with many important metabolic functions resulting in inflammation.
On the other hand, a diet like the Mediterranean diet that focuses on eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, olive oil, and whole grains while avoiding red and processed meats, dairy, saturated fats, and refined sugars, has been shown to reduce inflammation and reduce the risk for many chronic diseases and promote weight loss. If you have any questions on dietary approaches to reduce inflammation and fight joint pain, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor of chiropractic at your next visit.
For more, visit https://www.dkchiroblog.com/74/a-natural-solution-to-back-pain/
Optional – Supplement / Nutrition Advice for Pain Relief
It’s generally accepted that the normal aging process includes stiff joints and sore muscles. While exercise, stretching, hot/cold packs, and chiropractic care are commonly used tools for the non-pharmaceutical management of joint pain, there’s a growing body of research suggesting that dietary approaches to reduce inflammation may be just as important.
The following list of foods and food additives can promote inflammation and should be avoided as much as possible:
- Sugar: Though it can be a challenge to resist the temptation of desserts, sodas, and some fruit juices, processed sugars trigger the release of inflammatory messengers called cytokines. But beware, the word “sugar” is camouflaged on many food labels, so watch for any word ending with “-ose”, such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose.
- Saturated Fats: Studies show that saturated fats trigger adipose inflammation, which worsens arthritis and contributes to heart disease. Saturated fats are commonly found in pizza, cheese, red meat, full-dairy products, pasta dishes, and grain-based desserts.
- Trans Fats: Since the early 1990s, researchers have warned us about trans fats triggering systemic inflammation. Fast foods and other fried products, processed snacks, frozen breakfast foods, cookies, donuts, crackers, and most margarines are popular culprits. Avoid foods containing partially hydrogenated oils listed in the ingredients.
- Omega-6 Fatty Acids: Even though we do need SOME of these fats in our diet, a balance favoring omega-3 fatty acids is important. Omega-6 fatty acids can be found in certain oils (corn, safflower, sunflower, grapeseed, soy, peanut, and vegetable), in mayonnaise, and many salad dressings.
- Refined Carbohydrates: This list includes white flour products including breads, rolls, crackers, white rice, white potatoes (instant mashed or French fries); and many cereals. Refined carbs are widely believed to be a major contributor to obesity, which increases inflammation in the body.
- MSG (mono-sodium glutamate) is commonly found in foods that utilize soy sauce. It can also be added to many fast foods, soups, salad dressings, and deli meats to enhance flavor.
- Gluten: Gluten sensitivity is a common health problem that causes joint pain and gut trouble. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, and rye. In those with gluten intolerance or Celiac disease, complete avoidance is necessary as gluten sets off an autoimmune response that damages the small intestine over time resulting in malabsorption of nutrients.
- Aspartame: This artificial sweetener can trigger an autoimmune response in some individuals, resulting in inflammatory joint pain.
- Alcohol: Excess intake can damage the liver, which interferes with many important metabolic functions resulting in inflammation.
On the other hand, a diet like the Mediterranean diet that focuses on eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, olive oil, and whole grains while avoiding red and processed meats, dairy, saturated fats, and refined sugars, has been shown to reduce inflammation and reduce the risk for many chronic diseases and promote weight loss. If you have any questions on dietary approaches to reduce inflammation and fight joint pain, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor of chiropractic at your next visit.
For more, visit https://www.dkchiroblog.com/74/a-natural-solution-to-back-pain/
Optional – Custom Orthotics (Shoe Inserts)
While podiatrists have long suggested the use of foot orthotics for some cases of LBP because of the effect foot function has on the “kinetic chain,” it was not until the last decade that researchers in other fields have reported the effects the feet have on knee, hip/pelvic, and back function.
Studies have now demonstrated the adverse effects of hyperpronation (rolling in) of the foot on pain, function, and alignment of the pelvis. These studies point out the importance of not overlooking foot dysfunction as a potential (and important) contributing factor when managing patients with LBP.
Our clinic recognizes the basic premise that it is difficult to find any shoe or insole off-the-shelf that will provide the same support as custom fitted orthotics.
Optional – Ergonomic Assessments and Posture Advice
Forward head posture is a common postural fault in which the head’s center of gravity rests forward of the sagittal plane, and it’s typically associated with frequent electronic device and screen use. The further the head sits in front of the shoulders, the harder the muscles in the back of the neck, shoulders, and upper back must work to keep the head upright.
In addition to pain in the neck, upper back, and shoulders, forward head posture has been linked to headaches, respiratory impairments, and reduced nerve conduction in the cervical spine. Aside from general advice to limit screen time and sit up straight, spinal manipulation as provided by a Doctor of Chiropractic can benefit the patient with forward head posture. This treatment will help to unlock or release parts of the spine that have been habitually trained into the wrong position and movement. As well, the parts of the spine can be retrained, along with other forms of treatment and self-care, to start sitting and moving better.

Your Relief Starts Here
A receptionist is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
Call 416-960-9355
Same Day Appointments are Available during regular clinic hours.
Monday | 9:00 – 1:00 | 3:00 – 6:00 |
Tuesday | 8:00 – 1:00 | 3:00 – 6:00 |
Wednesday | 9:00 – 1:00 | 3:00 – 6:00 |
Thursday | 9:00 – 1:00 | 3:00 – 6:00 |