5 Poor Posture Exercises

5 Poor Posture Exercises

Poor posture can impair physical function and affect one’s health. It’s very common to see people with a slouched, forward head posture.  The usual advice is to sit up straight, limit phone use, or hold devices at eye level. Those are good tips! Are there any...

Neck Pain and Posture

In current times, there is a significant relationship that exists with neck pain and posture. We have our technological advancements to thank! Here’s a brief review of the connection between a person’s posture and the health of their neck. Good posture is...

How to Read – tips for avoiding neck pain

In today’s busy world, it’s good to escape with a nice book. Here’s a different type of “learning how to read” lesson for today. These tips for avoiding neck pain while enjoying your reading are helpful for all ages. Parents are often heard saying “get your head in a...

Neck Pain from Computer Work

Why and How to Avoid It Although it may not always seem obvious, like stubbing your toe, neck pain from computer work can be just as painful and problematic as blatant trauma to your body. Having a job that requires you to be in front of the computer may seem like the...

Back Pain from Sitting Too Much

Sitting too much is a much-experienced phenomenon these days. If you watch TV a lot, drive for long hours every day, or work at a computer, chances are that you might have back pain from sitting sooner or later. Such a horrible side effect of having to sit too much...