One of the commonly asked questions at the clinic, especially by neck pain sufferers, is how to read without neck pain.
There is definitely a best reading position for the neck and you could and should learn how to read without hurting your neck.
Being able to discover how to read books without hurting your neck will allow you to enjoy your reading more. It will also allow you to continue your reading habits into the future.
While finding out how to read a book without hurting your neck, you’ll also uncover tips on improving your posture. You may also reveal a new awareness of what aggravates your neck pain. This will further support your effort in avoiding neck pain.
The first step in how to avoid neck pain while reading is to keep your head in a neutral, natural position. This may be most easily accomplished by getting whatever you are reading at eye level. It may not be exactly as high as your eyes, unless you are using a stand or a support. Otherwise, getting the book or tablet for reading as high as you comfortably can with your arms is the goal. This should allow your eyes to look slightly down at the words without compromising your posture.
(See this article on our sister blog site for posture tips –
The next step in how to read without hurting the neck is to keep the rest of your spine in a comfortable position. If your head is in the right position but you are slouching or crooked, the effects may still work their way to your neck. Having your low back properly supported will also help your head stay over the body. Avoiding crooning or craning your head and neck forward will help you more successfully read without neck pain.

Neck Pain can result from various reading positions.
While people may want to know how to read in bed without hurting your neck, the reality is that there is no easy solution. Keeping the neck straight, for example, while lying on the back would involve holding the book overhead. This will fatigue the arms and make the shoulders sore. So, most people keep the book down by their stomach, but this then strains the neck.
(For good information for self care tips on neck pain, see this article also on our blog –
A solution, and maybe the only one, for being able to read in bed without neck pain, is to acquire a stand that will hold the book for you in the appropriate position. That way you could lie down and not strain your neck or your arms, other than to turn the page.
Good options for holding books in order to read a book without hurting your neck and avoiding neck pain while reading include the following:
For chair, standing, or bed –
While it’s good to be comfortable, comfort that comes at the expense of your body’s health can cause problems over time. Setting up a strategy to have the best reading position for your neck will help to keep neck pain from reading a book happen to you.
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Toronto Neck and Back Pain Clinic
1849 Yonge Street Suite 412 Toronto ON M4S1Y2
Mon 8:00 to 10:00, 12:00 to 1:00, 3:00 to 6:00
Tue 8:00 to 10:00, 12:00 to 1:00
Wed 3:00 to 6:00
Thu 8:00 to 10:00, 12:00 to 1:00, 3:00 to 6:00
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