These 3 reasons why you want a personal trainer may make the difference on your health journey. Check them out to help support your fitness aspirations, and the activity component for your wellness.
At some point in time, we likely all had teachers. In elementary school we were introduced to the idea of learning through a leader or a guide. Whether we liked it or enjoyed it was a whole other thing!
Then it potentially continued, through high school, college, university and perhaps beyond. Even in our workplaces and careers there may have been some teaching required.
Although many of the things we had to learn we might have been able to learn ourselves, it was no doubt easier to follow a system that supplied the steps and guidance to get that learning done.
Now more than ever, the opportunity to learn on our own is quite readily at our fingertips. The digital age of education is upon us and access to information is at an all-time high.
However, to sift through everything that is available in any given topic or field can be challenging. While it is certainly possible to learn a lot through that effort, it may be that having a guide, leader, teacher, or coach would make it better in some ways.
As a chiropractor, it is not uncommon to hear that patients have tried to learn how to treat their own neck pain or back pain. And they probably should. There comes a point, however, where a teacher (doctor or therapist) becomes valuable.
While some attempts at feeling better due to an ailment or health problem can lead to adequate resolution, many can create temporary results that allow the actual problems to get worse. Unfortunately, many other efforts at self care make matters worse from the get-go.
Hence, one cannot go wrong by seeking the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Just like teaching, whether you heed the direction or care of that provider or not is also a whole other thing!
Personal training has similar benefits. While most of us have an idea of some exercises to do for this reason or that result, it may be that personal trainers are a valuable resource to support our efforts and desires (or lack thereof!) in this regard.
Personal training can be used to treat health concerns, prevent health problems, engage in physical activity, and even to have fun if you can imagine such a thing!
Although often used as a component of physical fitness to look and feel better, personal training goes beyond weight loss and athletic performance. It can set the stage for a healthier, happier life full of better experiences. Because you live your life through your body, the better your body is, the better you will enjoy that life.
Here are 3 reasons why you want a personal trainer:
1) You already have one anyway, but he or she has limitations. If you exercise, YOU are your own personal trainer. It does not get more personal than that! The problem is, like in so many other areas of your life, you can only see yourself through your own eyes. When someone else sees you through their eyes, the coaching and teaching is different. And to have results, you want different input and feedback. A personal trainer will give you that with your fitness and exercise.
2) Accountability. This is not just about getting your workout done 3 days a week or following your nutritional guideline. This is about having someone to check in with to keep momentum going, provide you with guidance, motivate you, and support you. Can you imagine what your life would be like if every aspect of what you could do to be your best was supported in this same way? It would be amazing! And it will beā¦get the training, coaching, teaching, leadership, etc. that you want or need. It will be worth it.
And the third reason…
3) Customization. Are you aware of what works best for you when it comes to workouts, fitness, and exercise? Not all parts of this healthy effort are the same. Just because it is hard, does not mean that it is good for you. And just because it is hard, does not mean that it is not right for you. Can you see the folly here? Personalization is made easy by someone that has more tools in their toolbox than you care to carry. Personal trainers know the techniques, tips, and tricks to make your physical fitness and exercise efficient, effective and, dare we say, fun!
While fitness is not the same as function when it comes to how your body parts work, fitness can indeed support function. However, this is only as much as your body function, good or bad, will allow. Because of the effort and investment involved with a fitness endeavor, it is a good idea to get the help of a personal trainer at various points in your life. This will help to ensure that what you are doing and how you are doing it matches with what your body can do and what your goals are. Hence, a much better outcome that will help to put a smile on your face.