The solution to a problem always starts with identifying the cause, so understanding exactly why you might fall victim to back or neck pain can aid you in resolving your discomfort. There are many different factors that can cause back or neck pain, and it’s important that you can make yourself aware of these common issues to ensure you can protect yourself against the most likely causes of such discomfort. Thankfully, this guide contains everything that you need to know about the causes of back and neck pain, allowing you to live and enjoy a safer, more comfortable lifestyle with a reduced risk of developing back or neck issues so that you can live each day to the fullest! If you’re interested in finding out more about some of the common causes of these issues, then simply read on.
Sitting In A Slouched, Hunched Over Position
With most of us working in front of a computer, prolonged sitting has become an expected job requirement. We spend several uninterrupted hours staring at a screen while we ignore our surroundings and our own bodies. Work obligations are unfortunately essential, but the wear-and-tear on our spines is always present as we sit slumped at our desks. Before long, the silence transforms into raging back pain. Even if you don’t spend hours sitting in front of a computer, simply sitting in bed to read a book can be enough to cause severe back pain.
Slouching over at a computer screen or reading in bed is unbelievably dangerous to your neck and spine because the damage happens slowly over a lengthy period of time. Slouching forces the spine to take on an unnatural C-shape instead of supporting the more comfortable S-shape that it should be. As a result, more pressure is placed on the lumbar (lower portion of the spine) discs. This pressure can irritate and even break down the discs over longer periods of time, as well as causing nerve impingement and spinal herniation in which the discs can physically bulge out of the spine which of course leads to further pain and discomfort.
Lifting Heavy Objects Often
When lifting heavy weights or awkward objects, a specific group of muscles tighten up and attempt to guard the spine from injury. Lifting heavy objects can cause spinal stenosis. Muscle tightness and spasms due to this guarding is a normal short term solution to help prevent you from falling victim to serious spinal injury, but complications begin to arise when your muscles stay locked up for a week, month, or even a year after the initial heavy object lifting event. Having strong back and core muscles will help reduce the likelihood that you’ll throw your back out, but if regular lifting of heavy objects is unavoidable, then there is always a chance that you might fall victim to back or neck pain as a result. Be sure to practice good posture when lifting heavy objects to prevent back injuries. Follow these steps to reduce your chances of back or neck pain from lifting heavy objects:
- Keep your elbows and arms as close to your body as possible.
- Bend at your knees and lift with your legs, not with your back and back muscles.
- Avoid twisting your back when you’re lifting.
- Refrain from jerking when lifting.
- Rest when the object gets too heavy to continue lifting.
- Always use good judgment when lifting heavy items. If you think the load may be too heavy, it probably is. Recruit another person to help you, or try to use mechanical means of help, such as carts or special carriers.
Performing Repetitive Movements
Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a term used to describe the pain felt in muscles, nerves and tendons caused by repetitive movement and overuse, and it can be an extremely common cause of both back and neck pain. Certain things are thought to increase the risk of RSI, including but not limited to stress, repetitive activities, taking part in high-intensity activities without rest and working in an awkward position. Cold temperatures and vibrating equipment are also thought to increase your risk of falling victim to a RSI. Jobs that involve repetitive movements can lead to RSI, such as working on an assembly line, at a supermarket checkout or on a computer.
The symptoms of RSI can range from mild to severe and usually develop gradually. They often include pain, aching or tenderness, stiffness, throbbing, tingling or numbness, weakness and cramp. At first, you might only notice symptoms when you’re carrying out a particular repetitive action. But without treatment, the symptoms of RSI may eventually become constant and cause longer periods of pain. You may also get swelling in the affected area, which can last for several months.
Maintaining A Poor Posture
Most cases of neck pain have something to do with your posture. Good posture, as it relates to the neck, would be a position in which your ears are positioned directly above your shoulders with your chest open and shoulders back. In this neutral position, stress on the neck is minimized because the head’s weight is naturally balanced on the cervical spine. Bad posture can be extremely uncomfortable, as a forward head posture can be accompanied by forward shoulders and a rounded upper back, which can lead to more pain in the neck, upper back, and/or shoulders. The longer that poor posture continues, the more likely that neck pain, stiffness, and other symptoms may develop. Some long-term effects of forward head posture can include muscle imbalances, increased risk of spinal degeneration and even reduced mobility in the worst cases.
Though there are many risk factors that can cause back or neck pain, there are just as many solutions that can help you to alleviate your aches and discomfort far faster than you might ever imagine. We are one of the leading chiropractors Toronto has to offer, and we have the skills and experience to help resolve your back pain or neck pain in good time. Our trusted team can assist you with managing your symptoms, allowing you to gain a new lease of life without having to worry about your aches and pains. Reach out to a member of our dedicated staff at the Toronto Neck and Back Pain Clinic to find out more about how we can help relieve your back and neck pain today.