A Good Day with Your Spine
“Wherever you go, there you are”, is a common philosophical saying that can help make sense of a concept like “A Good Day with Your Spine”. Afterall, whatever you do, your spine is there doing it with you.
Therefore, if your spine is doing well, whatever you end up doing will be better than if it wasn’t doing well. This is especially true with back pain and neck pain.
Of course, all our body parts should remain healthy, but this article will focus on the spine. However, the spine does have an intimate connection with many body functions. This is true due to the intimate relationship the spine has with the spinal cord and nervous system.
A healthy spine can really lend itself to a healthy body and a healthy day.

A cloud that looks like a spine.
To have a good day with your spine, the spine likes a good rest the night before. A firm and not too soft, but not too hard mattress will help. If 0 was no support and 10 was as firm as the floor, we’d aim for a 6 to an 8, with 7 being the sweet spot. Of course, there’s personal preference, and you’ll know what your spine likes.
The spine, especially at the neck end, also loves a good pillow. One that supports the neck properly whether on the back or the side. Each position should allow the curves of the spine to remain natural on the profile or side view. And from front to back, or the “back view”, the spine should remain relatively straight.
After a good night’s slumber, the spine as well as your nervous system do not like to be shocked awake. It is a good idea to do a long stretch with the arms above the head and the toes pointing down shortly after waking. Do this before getting out of bed.
Then, before sitting up, gently pull both knees comfortably to the chest. After that, place the feet flat on the mattress with the knees bent and gently let them turn from left to right. It’s good to limber the spine and let it come “online” slowly instead of springing to a vertical position.
Instead of doing a sit-up to get up, or roll up in some cock-eyed fashion, it’s best to completely shuffle onto one side of the body. Then drop both legs off the side of the bed with knees bent and use your hands and arms to push yourself up. Sit on the side of the mattress for a moment, bringing yourself slowly to as tall of a sitting posture as possible. Take a deep breath.
From here, plant the feet firmly on the floor and stand up on both feet. Repeat the long stretch you did lying down, but now standing, and take another deep breath. You’re ready to go!

Your Spine (It’s on your back!)
Along with your other morning routine items, a good day with your spine would include some activity to either get or keep its many parts moving. While this can be done at any time of the day, we’re choosing morning to be sure it’s a priority and not forgotten. Also, a morning movement routine can help provide energy and fitness for the day.
There are countless options from walking and running, to swimming or cycling. Even shooting hoops or tennis can do the trick. Not all activities need to be traditional fitness related though. More classic movement activities like Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or even martial arts are wonderful. And of course, there’s always the gym and it’s various machines and classes!
Your spine, like the rest of the parts of the body, can benefit from some good nutrition. While there are a variety of styles of eating, including when to eat, what to eat, and why to eat it, ensuring your spine has access to a variety of nutrients in moderation is important.
Try to eat whole foods, unprocessed or non-refined foods. In other words, have a variety of vegetables, some fruits, good sources of protein (whether plant or animal) and natural grains. The Mediterranean style of eating is an example of a well-studied and supported source to encourage healthy living. Many others do exist as well.
So, whenever you eat and for whatever reason you eat, the most valuable part of the equation is what you eat and how you feel about it. Making good choices in this regard will naturally support a healthy body, mind, mood, and energy.

Your Spine…it likes some things, and others not so much
Some things your spine finds particularly challenging in having a good day include the following:
- Sitting too long, standing too long, not taking breaks
- Moving too much, working too hard, not taking breaks
- Repeatedly doing the same thing without variety or taking breaks
- Being asked to do things it cannot do, like lifting that heavy box…use your legs and your glutes for that…if you’re not sure of the difference, please Google proper lifting techniques.
- Getting dehydrated with inadequate water intake or excessive smoking, alcohol, coffee, and tea.
Some things your spine finds particularly beneficial in having a good day include the following:
- A variety of uses in moderation of varying efforts.
- Being encouraged and nurtured in proper positions and movements.
- Getting spoiled with massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic care.
- Being reminded of what it can and should do to maintain limits of use and function.
- Having good posture and ergonomics
- Not allowing stress to add tension to its various parts, especially the upper back
Whatever you have found yourself doing on a particular day, your spine likes to unwind in the evening. A selection of stretches or body movements like yoga can help to erase, negate, or discourage the build up of restrictions and tightness. That way, by the time it is ready to rest and recover all night, it’s doing so without a buildup of interference.
While each of our days can be very different, both for ourselves and between people, having an awareness of how you’re using your spine can help avoid cumulative trauma. This overview of how to have a good day with your spine will stimulate some thoughts on what we might do differently to keep the spine healthy and well.
Dr. David Koivuranta is a Toronto Chiropractor who practices chiropractic care in the Yonge and Davisville neighbourhood. He provides treatment for back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other related health conditions.
The Toronto Neck and Back Pain Clinic is a member of ChiroTrust and has taken The ChiroTrust Pledge:
“To the best of my ability, I agree to provide my patients convenient, affordable, and mainstream Chiropractic care. I will not use unnecessary long-term treatment plans and/or therapies.”
Same day appointments are available for neck pain treatment, back pain treatment, and headache treatment, as well as other health related concerns, problems, accidents, and injuries. Walk-ins are welcome during regular clinic hours. Visit torontoneckandbackpain.com to schedule or learn more.